Mooring/Berthing of Boats

Mooring/Berthing of Boats

If your Extreme is to spend extended periods of time stored on the water extra measures need to be taken which are the owners responsibility. Antifoul must be applied with regular inspections after applying and re applied as necessary to protect the hull. Correct anodes must also be fitted as per a qualified technicians recommendations and inspected/replaced as necessary. We also recommend that a road cover is fitted to reduce rainwater in the boat during heavy downpours, and an appropriately sized auto bilge must be fitted with a solar charging system to keep the battery bank topped up. Sea cocks on all through hull fittings below the waterline must also be fitted and turned off while the boat is left on the mooring or in its berth. It must be made clear to the dealer if there is an intention of leaving the boat on water for extended periods of time prior to the build commencing.

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